At HummingHaus, we are driven by a commitment to the rapid shipment of quality carpets.  Our products are shipped throughout the week with the only exceptions occurring on Sundays and holidays.  Even better, all of our carpets and rugs are carefully packed to ensure they arrive in pristine condition, unaffected by the transit. We then carefully select the most trusted couriers in the industry for shipment. 

 Delivery Charges: 

   We offer free shipping on every item purchased through our website.

 Shipping Time: 

Each order which are READY TO SHIP will be dispatched within 5 to 7 days of the time that it was placed by the customer.

Mostly all our rugs are made on to order, general lead time for all our 100% handmade products ( Cushions, Carpets, Baskets & Rugs) is 4 to 6 Weeks / Ex-Factory. As all our products are made through complete handmade process, sometimes due to uncontrollable circumstances it may take slightly longer than the given time frame. 

Please note that all shipments will be sent to the address specified, so carefully review it for accuracy before placing your order. Otherwise, delays may result as we attempt to determine the correct address.

Once the order is handed over to our logistics partner an email with Awb will be sent & estimated transit time vary places to places, generally it takes 5 to 10 business days.

Products that are Damaged during Shipment:

If a product arrives damaged or otherwise appears to have been scuffed during delivery, we recommend sending it back through the carrier.  Please do not accept the order first, as this will pass responsibility from the courier to you.  Once we receive the damaged product, it will be replaced promptly.  No additional charges for delivery or the damaged item will be incurred by the customer.

All Our Products Are Made By 100% Handmade Process, Our Manufacturing & Dispatch Is Done From 119/2 Lohiya Talab, Mirzapur -231001 ~ Made In India.